MT Todd Gold Project
- Demonstrated economic feasibility
- Tier 1 jurisdiction
- Ready to build

Enviromental, Social and Governance
- Transparency and accountability
- Sustainable and socially responsible development
- Best corporate governance practices

Positioning Mt Todd as a Leading Development Opportunity
- Large-scale, high quality gold deposit
- Optionality to develop as large or mid-scale project
- Commenced Feasibility Study, targeting:
- Initial capital cost of $400 million
- Reserve grade of 1 gram of gold per tonne
- Production of 150k – 200k ounces gold per year
- Potential for future expansion
- Attractive ready-to-build development opportunity in environment of:
- Strong gold market
- Diminishing major deposit discoveries
- Depleting gold reserves

Strong and Rising Gold Price Environment
- Advancing Mt Todd with discipline to deliver a more fully valued project to shareholders
- Vista and its shareholders have potential to be major beneficiaries of a strong gold market and rising gold prices
- After-tax NPV at $1,800 gold is $1.2 billion1
- After-tax NPV at $2,600 gold is $3.1 billion1

1 2024 Updated Feasibility Study
1 Fraser Institute 2023 Mining Survey